BC Bryo Guide
Anastrepta orcadensis
Anastrophyllum assimile
Anastrophyllum donnianum
Anastrophyllum michauxii
Aneura pinguis
Aneura pinguis is found across a diversity of habitats, from rocks to bogs, where its deep green and relatively unbranched thallus creeps among other bryophytes. The thallus…
Anthelia julacea
Easily overlooked in out of the way habitats, Anthelia julacea grows as tiny (<.5 mm wide) overlapping shoots packed into silvery, horizontal turfs on bare rock in areas of…
Anthelia juratzkana
Easily overlooked in out of the way habitats, Anthelia julacea grows as tiny (<.5 mm wide) overlapping shoots packed into silvery, horizontal turfs on bare rock in areas of…
Apopellia alpicola
Restricted to late snow areas of the subalpine and alpine, the frilly purple-green Apopellia alpicola is uncommon or underreported simple thalloid liverwort with upturned…
Apotreubia nana
Apotreubia nana is a rare species of exceedingly wet coastal regions, where it can grow to 1.5 cm long and 5 mm wide on decaying organic matter and peat. It is a…
Asterella lindenbergiana
Hidden in calcareous crevices at high elevations, the rare Asterella lindenbergiana is a complex thalloid liverwort with overlapping green thalli (to 3 cm long and about 5…
Barbilophozia barbata
B. barbata is a large upright-to-arching predominantly 4-lobed leafy liverwort with relatively unbranched, green or green-brown shoots to 8 cm long and 5mm wide. The leaf…
Barbilophozia hatcheri
An occasional species of wet bedrock and streamside boulders, B. hatcheri forms variably erect to prostrate large green 4-lobed leafy shoots up to 5 cm tall and around 2 mm…
Barbilophozia lycopodioides
Barbilophozia lycopodioides is a large and dominant leafy liverwort in northern and montane landscapes, where is formed a groundcover of lanky yellow or green shoots that…
Barbilophozia sudetica
With typically 2-3 lobed lateral leaves on green shoots that are often tinged with rusty pigments at their tips, B. sudecita is an anomalous member of the genus known from…
Bazzania ambigua
A cryptic species of decaying wood and organic matter, Bazzania ambigua typically presents as green-to-brown horizontal shoots (~2 mm wide) that fork evenly. The arched…
Bazzania denudata
The most common member of the genus, Bazzania denudata typically presents as emerald-green horizontal shoots (~2 mm wide) that fork evenly and, as the species name…
Bazzania griffithiana
A rare species in highly restricted habitat, B. griffithiana forms large, loosely-branched scrambling yellow-to-brown shoots up to 8 cm long. Its triangular lateral leaves…
Bazzania pearsonii
Bazzania tricrenata
Loping over peaty grounds, decaying organic matter, tree trunks and bedrock, B. tricrenata is a predominantly yellow-brown species with shoots up to 4 cm long found in a…
Bazzania trilobata
An eye-catching plant of wet boggy ground, Bazzania trilobata has wide (3-6 mm) leafy green shoots that fork evenly at their tips. The leaves have have a rectangular shape…
Blasia pusilla
Dem kettles.
Blepharostoma arachnoideum
Blepharostoma arachnoideum is a rare liverwort of very moist peatlands and creekbanks, where its transluscent green and delicately-branched leaves emerge from very narrow…
Blepharostoma trichophyllum
Delicate and filamentous plants of Blepharostoma are frequent but easy to overlook in their moist microhabitats, where they occur as transluscent yellow-to-green bristly…
Calycularia laxa
Seemingly restricted to timberline and tundra-like habitats, the rare Calycularia laxa is a a frilly light-green simple thalloid liverwort that forms horizontal patches with…
Calypogeia azurea
A frequent species in the damp, dark and wet coastal coniferous forests in which it thrives, Calypogeia azurea occurs as a small, creeping blue plant on decaying organic…
Calypogeia integristipula
An infrequent species of creek and drainage banks, C. integrispula forms linear shoots >2 mm wide composed of two rows of round, opaque green leaves overlapping in a…
Calypogeia muelleriana
The most common species of the genus Calypogeia in our region, C. mulleriana is a dark green leafy liverwort with linear shoots (~2mm wide) composed of round leaves that…
Calypogeia neesiana
A rare species xxxx
Calypogeia neogaea
An infrequent species of wet, peaty banks, the light green and relatively large Calypogeia fissa forms long shoots (> 2cm) that loosely weave through other bryophytes. The…
Calypogeia sphagnicola
Tiny translucent green (~1mm wide) threads of Calypogeia sphagnicola are a frequent but easily overlooked component of bogs and fens, where they grow in and amongst the…
Calypogeia suecica
A rarely noticed species of decaying wood in coniferous forests, C. suecica is a tiny (~ 1 mm wide) pale-green plant with two rows of round leaves that overlap in a…
Cephalozia ambigua
A rarely observed species unique in the genus on account of being XXX, C. ambigua forms small green-brown shoots (~ .5 mm wide) of diagonally-inserted bilobed leaves that…
Cephalozia bicuspidata
A very common species, Cephalozia bicuspidata forms bright, creeping, translucent green shoots 1-2 mm wide on decaying wood and peat in wet forests and bogs. Inspection with…
Cephalozia macounii
A rare species forming tiny threads <<.5 mm across, C. macounii will need microscopic examination to identify (if not detect!). The bilobed leaves are the same width as the…
Cephaloziella divaricata
Small enough to evade notice (<.5 mm wide) but ambient enough to be found in almost any habitat, C. divaricata varies from green to black in colour and solitary threads to…
Cephaloziella elachista
One of two exclusively "Sphagnicolous" species in the genus, C. elachista is easily overlooked as wayward pale green hair or algae-like strands (< 1/4 mm wide to cms long)…
Cephaloziella hampeana
Poorly known in the region but cosmopolitan across the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Cephaloziella hampeana follows standard green-to-red, small…
Cephaloziella phyllacantha
A rare cryptic species of very damp rock and soil near waterfalls where it threads its way through other, larger bryophytes, Cephaloziella phyllacantha is a whitish green…
Cephaloziella rubella
A perplexing species with a reddish hue, Cephaloziella rubella has very narrow (~1/4 mm) leafy shoots. Under the hand lens, you should see leaves divided to about half their…
Cephaloziella spinigera
One of two exclusively "Sphagnicolous" species in the genus, C. spinigera is easily overlooked as wayward pale green hair or algae-like strands (< 1/4 mm wide to cms long)…
Cephaloziella turneri
The "biggest" species in the genus (shoots to about .5 mm wide and 1 cm long), Cephaloziella turneri is an infrequent yellowish green-to-brown presence in summer dry rocky…
Cephaloziella varians
Seemingly restricted to
Chiloscyphus pallescens
Common in habitats that are at least seasonally inundated with water, this species has large pale-green, delicate and square leaves that spread out from their attachment…
Chiloscyphus polyanthos
Common in habitats that are at least seasonally inundated with water, this species has large, dark green, delicate and square leaves that spread out from their attachment…
Clevea hyalina
Dem white scales
Conocephalum salebrosum
Conocephalum conicum is the largest complex thallus liverwort in our region, in addition to being one of the most common. It tends to thrive in perpetually seeping or wet…
Crossocalyx hellerianus
Diplophyllum albicans
A frequent component of dark and wet forests, D. albicans forms luxuriant patches of little branched horizontal shoots (to about 3 cm long) growing from moist substrates.…
Diplophyllum obtusifolium
An infrequent colonizer of mineral soils, especially around forest margins, D. obtusifolium if a small plant with shoots < 1cm long, often in yellow-green or even bright red…
Diplophyllum taxifolium
A particularly conspicuous component of montane and subalpine rocky ledges, this green-to-bright yellow Diplophyllum forms thin, delicate of shoots 1-3 cm long by 3 mm wide.…
Douinia ovata
An occasional species that becomes increasingly prominent in moist microhabitats, this dull green liverwort with elongate leaves made up of unequal lobes forms scrambling…
Eremonotus myriocarpus
Fossombronia foveolata
Found along the fine sediments at the margins of seasonally-receeding water bodies, this uncommon montane species is instantly recognizable as a Fossombronia from the…
Fossombronia longiseta
Often obscured by other bryophytes and small grasses on seeping open soils or protected under south-facing rock overhangs, this translucent and frilly green occasional…
Frullania bolanderi
In seasonally water saturated environments, this infrequent, tiny but fiesty Frullania is likely to be noticed on account of frilly little mm-scale shoots shooting out from…
Frullania californica
Tiny (<1mm wide shoots) and often camouflaged against bark, this uncommon species of coastal forests is variably green and red, modestly branched and marked by upper leaf…
Frullania franciscana
Uncommon and cryptic, this small (<1mm wide) green-to-purple Frullania is most likely to be found along very moist shorelines, where it creeps over the rocks and dwarf sitka…
Frullania hattoriana
A seemingly rare species of montane old growth forest near the coast, you could be forgiven for overlooking this tiny, appressed yellow-red epiphyte that forms cm-scale…
Frullania nisquallensis
A very common species of coastal forests and rocks, the variably green but more often dark purple shoots are narrow (~ 2mm wide or less) and creep over their substrate…
Fuscocephaloziopsis albescens
With relatively wide (> 1 mm) and worm-like pale green shoots clustering amongst and growing through Sphagnum in subalpine areas, F. albescens takes some work to see. The…
Fuscocephaloziopsis catenulata
Known from only a few records south of Alaska, F. catenulata xxxx
Fuscocephaloziopsis connivens
Fuscocephaloziopsis connivens is a common species typical of wet wood and decaying organic matter, on which its small (~ 1 mm wide) translucent green shoots creep. The two…
Fuscocephaloziopsis leucantha
Fuscocephaloziopsis lunulifolia
The small (~.5 mm wide) linear shoots of F. lunulifolia are an opaque green and easily overlooked on the decaying wood and peat that they grow over. Close inspection show a…
Fuscocephaloziopsis monticola
F. monticola is an infrequent species forming relatively dense albeit small turfs of stiff, compressed dark green shoots up to 3 mm wide along slopes in the high subalpine.…
Fuscocephaloziopsis pleniceps
Forming tiny (< 1mm wide), translucent shoots in peaty areas, F. pleniceps is an often overlooked and ergo uncommon bilobed leafy liverwort species. Hand lens inspection of…
Geocalyx graveolens
Infrequent and easy to confuse with other two-lobed species, Geocalyx graveolens creeps loosely over its substrate, its yellow-green shoots bearing leaves that spread out…
Gymnomitrion alpinum
Forming fine carpets of rusty red shoots 1-2 mm wide over mineral soil and debris along flushes, G. alpinum has a lanky habit on account of its loosely overlapping bilobed…
Gymnomitrion brevissimum
Gymnomitrion commutatum
Gymnomitrion concinnatum
A less common species of subalpine rock, G. concinnatum occurs as white wormy shoots to 2 cm long that occasionally branch as they loosely wend along the bases and in the…
Gymnomitrion corallioides
One of the few liverworts to truly match its common name, G. coralloides presents as a lawn of densely compressed, pale whitish-green, rounded shoots to 2 cm tall by 2.5 mm…
Gymnomitrion obtusum
Thriving on vertical rock faces, G. obtusum presents itself in dense tufts of downtrending white, wormy shoots up to 1 mm wide by centimeter(s) long. With a hand lens you…
Gymnomitrion pacificum
Gymnomitrion revolutum
A rare species of high altitudes and elevations, G. revolutum is variably red along its relatively wide (1-2 mm) and long (up to 5 mm) prostrate shoots of loosely…
Hygrobiella laxifolia
Jungermannia atrovirens
Jungermannia borealis
Jungermannia exsertifolia
Jungermannia polaris
Jungermannia pumila
Kurzia makinoana
In its ideal world of permanently moist decaying organic matter, K. makinoana presents itself as an almost imperceptiple transluscent dark green fuzz that calls to mind only…
Kurzia pauciflora
Restricted to permanently moist, open bog habitats, variably green K. pauciflora forms a very fine (<1/4 mm wide) filamentous fuzz in and amongst the sprigs of Sphagnum. The…
Kurzia trichoclados
Virtually identical to other members of its genus, K. trichoclados is a tiny (~1/4 mm wide) and easily-overlooked or mitaken yellow-brown species with highly dissected and…
Lepidozia filamentosa
Presenting as a luxuriant, regularly and closely branched yellow plume of a leafy liverwort, Lepidozia filamentosa can form large, feather-like patches of shoots up to 5 cm…
Lepidozia reptans
Typically green or yellow-green, Lepidozia reptans is a dominant component of the decaying understories in coniferous forests, where it forms creeping and regularly-branched…
Lepidozia sandvicensis
A large, seemingly filamentous plant, Lepidozia sandvicensis presents as a minature transluscent green tumbleweed, its shoots up to 5 cm long with numerous long branches…
Liochlaena lanceolata
Lophocolea bidentata
Lophocolea bidentata occurs dependably on logs (amongst other substrates) as tightly appressed, light green and transluscent creeping leafy shoots to 3 mm wide and many…
Lophocolea heterophylla
Found on a variety of substrates in moist habitats, L. heterophylla grows tightly appressed and creeping, its light-to-dark green leaves spreading out like flags 90 degrees…
Lophocolea minor
A small and easily-overlooked species of decaying wood, Lophocolea minor is a creeping species with pale yellow-green shoots roughly 1 mm wide to about 1 cm long. Like other…
Lunularia cruciata
Lunularia cruciata is a weedy species typical of garden margins that reaches the limits of its tolerance in south coastal British Columbia. It is a complex thalloid…
Macrodiplophyllum flaccidum
An infrequent species of uncommonly moist low-elevation microhabitats (waterfalls, deep canyons), M. flaccidum is marked by elongate, toothed lobes and a glossy palour. The…
Macrodiplophyllum imbricatum
An infrequent species of higher elevation, M. imbricatum is a yellow or yellow brown robust rock and tundra dweller with smooth lobe margins and an upper lobe oriented at ~…
Macrodiplophyllum microdontum
Macrodiplophyllum plicatum
Macrodiplophyllum rubrum
An occasional giant (up to 1 cm wide) of very wet and peaty coniferous forest, this west coast endemic has wide spreading, elongate and deep green leaves fringed in places…
Mannia fragrans
Mannia gracilis
Mannia pilosa
Marchantia polymorpha
Dem cups
Marchantia quadrata
Dem mushrooms
Marchantia romanica
Dem alpine
Marsupella apiculata
Marsupella aquatica
Marsupella boeckii
Marsupella condensata
Marsupella emarginata
Marsupella sparsifolia
Marsupella sphacelata
Marsupella sprucei
Marsupella stableri
Metzgeria americana
A rare but luxuriant (up to 3mm wide), fuzzy and frilly Metzgeria of extremely moist coastal forests, this species forms large convoluted ribbons that jut free some distance…
Metzgeria conjugata
A frequent and elongate simple thalloid liverwort in moist forests and shaded rock outcrops, the translucent green M. conjugata can occur as isolated shoots (1-2 mm wide and…
Metzgeria leptoneura
A rare species of the wet coasts, where it XXX
Metzgeria lindbergii
A robust and translucent species of wet coastal forests and rock, the evenly-forking M. lindbergii is an uncommon species with a very rigid growth habit, growing…
Metzgeria pubescens
An occasional species of trees and rocks (especially limestone), the whitish hue of dry M. pubescens is most apparent when the plant is thriving in tufts. When wet, the…
Metzgeria temperata
Typically tightly appressed to bark (especially vine maple), M. temperata is frequent in moist coastal microhabitats. The narrow, dull green thallus tapers towards its tip…
Moerckia blyttii
Moerckia blyttii can be found under heathers along moist, soily or peaty slopes in near the timberline, where it grows as a green, simple thalloid liverwort with undulating…
Moerckia flotoviana
Often treated as a synonym or subspecies of M. hibernica, M flotoviana is occasionally found along streams and drainage channels in low elevation bogs, where the…
Moerckia hibernica
Moerckia hibernica presents as a large, frilly and pale green simple thalloid liverwort with segments up to 7 mm wide and 3 cm long creeping over other bryophytes in wet and…
Mylia anomala
Mylia anomala is seemingly restricted to bog and fen habitats, where it worms its way through Sphagnum, presenting at the surface as oppositely-arranged and converging…
Mylia taylorii
Running a gamut of colours from dark green to bright yellows and radiant reds, the wide-spreading leafy shoots (up to 5 mm wide) of Mylia taylorii are a common sight on…
The genus Nardia encompasses a somewhat varied group of mostly erect, unbranched species that with ovate, unlobed or evenly two-lobed lateral leaves with smooth, incurved…
Nardia breidleri
The smallest species of Nardia in the region, N. breidleri has light-green to reddish-brown leafy shoots less than .5 mm wide that can be found around arctic and alpine…
Nardia compressa
Plants of Nardia compressa are laterally compressed such that the wide, round and overlapping leaves give the appearance of nested clam shells. The ascendant green shoots…
Nardia geoscyphus
Nardia insecta
Nardia japonica
Nardia scalaris
The most common and variable member of the genus, N. scalaris presents as a reliably green mat-forming species with prostrate shoots typically to 3 cm long and roughly 2 mm…
Neoorthocaulis attenuatus
With stiffly erect and often tapering yellow green shoots up to 5 cm tall and 2 mm wide, N. attenuatus stands out in boulder and ledge rockscapes in which it occasionally…
Neoorthocaulis binsteadii
Neoorthocaulis floerkei
One of the dominant under heath groundcovers of montane and subalpine habitats, yellow-green N. floerkei forms luxuriant carpets of horizontal leafy shoots that can grow…
Odontoschisma denudatum
Running the gamut of reds, browns, yellows and greens, the small (< 1 cm tall by ~ 1 mm wide), upright shoots of O. denudata are a constant companion of decaying organic…
Odontoschisma elongatum
Common in rare habitat, Odontoschisma elongatum presents itself on inorganic creek banks of very wet, boggy regions as a dark green-brown, reclined shoot of intermediate…
Odontoschisma fluitans
Scarcely seen in the rare boggy habitat in which it occurs, O. fluitans is a stringy plant with dark green-to-brown shoots up to 2 mm wide. Up close, you should be able to…
Odontoschisma macounii
Restricted to high latitudes and altitudes, the erect yellow shoots of Odontoschisma macounii stand to about 1 cm tall with leaves that spread out from the stem near to a 90…
Pellia columbiana
Reported from only a handful of low elevation wet sites along the coast, Pellia columbiana is a large simple thalloid liverwort (to 10+ cm long, > 1cm wide) that appears in…
Pellia epiphylla
Records for this large, simple thalloid species of wet, peaty soil in the Pacific Northwest are rare and often erroneous. It has the wide (>1 cm), smooth thallus and the…
Pellia neesiana
P. neesiana is the dominant Pellia in the region, inhabiting moist to wet soils, mineral banks and decaying organic matter with an irregularly-branched, light-green to dark…
Peltolepis quadrata
Dem alpine
Plagiochila arctica
Known from scant northern records, P. arctica has been variously synonymized with P. porelloides and P. asplenioides
Plagiochila asplenioides
Plagiochila gracilis
Plagiochila porelloides
On account of its large size (leafy shoots can be >5 mm wide and longer than 5 cm), prominent teeth on large, deep green leaves bearing a conspicuous basal pleat, the common…
Plagiochila semidecurrens
Plagiochila semidecurrens is an uncommon plant of very wet habitats, where its horizontal stems are laden with drooping, roundly folded and very toothy leaves that are shiny…
Porella cordaeana
A frequent species of deciduous trees and dark cliffs, P. cordaeana has matte-green and delicate shoots that show distant but regular branching. From the underside, the…
Porella navicularis
A massive and common leafy liverwort that often dominates deciduous forests, forming large carpets of creeping-to-swooping shiny green/yellow/brown shoots with closely…
Porella roellii
An occasional species of exposed rocks, P. roelli is typically a yellow-brownish and glossy plant that has branches few and far between. From the underside with a hand lens…
Radula auriculata
Another rare but luxuriant species of wet coastal regions, R. auriculata forms golden yellow to green, elongate (>5 cm) and lanky shoots that exhibit frequent, albeit…
Radula bolanderi
A frequent and tiny epiphytic component of wet forests, F. bolanderi has appressed shoots less than 1 mm wide and leaves that barely overlap. It is most easily recognized by…
Radula complanata
The most common species of Radula in the region, R. complanata is predominantly epiphytic (especially at low elevations) and composed of closely-overlapping dull…
Radula obtusiloba
A luxuriant and infrequent species of wet coasts and exceedingly moist canyon microhabitats, R. obtusiloba is a much branched plant with triangular shoots 5-10 cm long and…
Radula prolifera
Reboulia hemisphaerica
Reboulia hemisphaerica is a complex thalloid liverwort found throughout the region with a characteristically purple and scalloped margin on an otherwise plaintive green…
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Getting an eye for Riccardia chamedryfolia requires taking the time to look around at its dark green, irregularly-branched and succulent thallus that can run up to 3 cm long…
Riccardia latifrons
Forming stubby little fingers of leafless, bright green thallus segments, R. latifrons is a common presence on rotting wood in moist forests (especially cut log ends)…
Riccardia multifida
The infrequent R. multifida is a species that thrives in areas with constant moisture, such as clay river banks and seeping hillslopes, where it grows in deep green patches…
Riccardia palmata
Riccardia palmata is the smallest regional species in the genus, presenting on decaying wood and organic matter in wet coastal regions as once-branched, elongate and deep…
Riccia beyrichiana
Ephemeral and rare, R. beyrichiana forms small (<1cm) and often incomplete green-to-purple rosettes on fine, seasonally moist soils. The presence of small (use your hand…
Riccia cavernosa
Another ephemeral and rare species of fine, seasonally saturated mineral-rich soils, R. cavernosa appears tiny (<<1cm) but with thallus segments that are very tall relative…
Riccia crinita (trichocarpa)
An uncommon to rare species, R. trichocarpa forms small rosettes (~1cm wide) on thin soils with open exposure. These rosettes are distinguished by an abundance of hairs…
Riccia fluitans
Infrequent but abundant where it does occur, this aquatic, narrow, and elongate Riccia floats in tangles of duckweed and other aquatic plants. The thallus can grow up to 3cm…
Riccia frostii
An infrequent species that forms massive populations on seasonally exposed lake and river margins, R. frostii forms 1-2cm wide red and green rosettes with a perforated upper…
Riccia glauca
A rare Riccia about 1cm in diameter found in seasonally exposed sediments, it forms isolated populations that are once-to-thrice branched with a characteristic white frosty…
Riccia huebeneriana
A rare species that forms small green-to-puple-tinged rosettes (<1cm) of narrow and porous thallus segments on moist, seasonally exposed fine sediments. Up close, the plants…
Riccia lamellosa
A rare species thus far known only from sloping and seasonally saturated fine sediments over rock, R. lamellosa appears as small (~5mm) thalli with a smooth upper surface…
Riccia sorocarpa
When present, this species of fine, disturbed soils can grow in large populations of overlapping rosettes up to 2cm wide and composed of bright green-to-purple bifurcating…
Riccia trichocarpa
A rare species, R. trichocarpa forms small rosettes (~1cm wide) on thin soils with open exposure. These rosettes distinguished by an abundance of hairs present all around…
Ricciocarpos natans
An occasional aquatic or semi-aquatic liverwort from stagnant waters, Ricciocarpos natans forms tight and large (1cm or larger) rosettes that are grooved and green above and…
Sauteria alpina
Dem alpine
Scapania americana
Scapania americana forms large and frequent patches on red-tinged downsweeping leafy shoots to 4 mm wide and 3+ cm long. Up close, you will see the characteristic unequally…
Scapania apiculata
Scapania apiculata is a rare deadwood dweller with small, light green shoots (<2 mm wide x 5 mm long). With a hand lens, you should be able to make out 3 key features: (1)…
Scapania bolanderi
The dominant epiphytic Scapania of our region, S. bolanderi is a handsome, tuft-forming yellow-green species of conifer trunks with wide (up to 3.5 mm) leafy shoots that can…
Scapania brevicaulis
Scapania brevicaulis is a rare and northern Arctic-alpine species, where it grows as green-to-brown leafy shoots to 5 cm long and 4 mm wide. While the upper lobe is wider…
Scapania curta
Scapania curta is a small and easily overlooked montane member of the genus, its green-brown shoots never exceeding 15 mm in length nor 3 mm in width. While highly variable…
Scapania cuspiduligera
Scapania cuspiduligera is a rarely-recorded green to brown alpine and timberline plant with leafy shoots to 2 cm long and 2.5 mm wide. Its two nearly equal lobes have sharp…
Scapania glaucocephala
A small and regionally rare liverwort known from one poorly located specimen from the early 1900s, S. glaucocephala is a boreal wood-dweller with green-to-brown leafy shoots…
Scapania gymnostomophila
The rare (or at least overlooked in rare habitats) Scapania gymnostomophila is endemic to wet limestone and marble boulders and bedrock around creeks, where if forms tiny…
Scapania hians
Regionally known from only 2 collections north of Whistler, BC, Scapania hians is a small brownish green plant with leafy shoots up to 2 cm long and 1.5 mm wide. It has…
Scapania hollandiae
Scapania hollandaie is another rare alpine and northern species known regionally from NW British Columbia and the North Cascades of Washington State, where is grows on silt…
Scapania irrigua
As suggested by its latin name, Scapania irrigua is a cosmopolitan species of (seasonally) aquatic habitats, with horizontally scrambling light green-to-brown leafy shoots…
Scapania kaurinii
Known from only one specimen in all of Western North America, S. kaurinii is a a rock dwelling tundra plant with green-to-brown leafy shoots up to 3 cm long and 3.5 mm wide.…
Scapania mucronata
Scapania mucronata is a rare species of rock, soil and wood with small, green to brown leafy shoots (<3 mm wide x <12 mm long). With a hand lens, you should be able to make…
Scapania obscura
Scapania obscura is an relatively small green to brown or even blackish aquatic plant to 2 cm long and 2 mm wide. The lobes have smooth margins, are nearly equal in size and…
Scapania ornithopoides
The rare Scapania ornithopoides is the largest species in the genus, its red-yellow leafy shoots measuring 5+ cm long and up to 5 mm wide as they arch off of peaty slopes in…
Scapania paludicola
The rare Scapania paludicola is a large green-to brown species, with leafy shoots to 8 cm long and 4.5 mm wide. The unequal top and bottom leaf lobes have relatively smooth…
Scapania scandica
Scapania scandica is a a regionally rare subalpine species with green to purple-brown leafy shoots up to 2 cm long and 2.5 mm wide. The toothed and sharply pointed lobes are…
Scapania simmonsii
Known regionally from only a few locations in the mountains and tundra of BC and Alaska, S. simmonsii is a a rare, brownish species with leafy shoots to 5 cm long and 3 mm…
Scapania spitsbergensis
Known from only three records in northern alpine and arctic tundra, Scapania spitsbergensis is a green to purple soil and rock dweller with shoots to 7 cm long and 3.5 mm…
Scapania subalpina
Forming compact whitish green to reddish brown turfs over fine detritus on subalpine bedrock faces, S. subalpina is an infrequent species with leafy shoots 1.5-4 mm wide and…
Scapania uliginosa
A species of wetland and bog floors, S. uliginosa forms wide, horizontally spreading shoots (to 4 mm x 3+ cm long) that vary from green to purple hues based on exposure.…
Scapania umbrosa
Scapania umbrosa is ambient but easy to overlook on the fallen moist conifer logs it calls home. Growing in dense tufts of tiny green shoots (~1.5 mm wide by <1 cm long)…
Scapania undulata
Scapania undulata is the most common Scapania in habitats that are at least seasonally inundated with water. The flaccid shoots are little-branched and elongate (to 4 mm…
Schistochilopsis incisa
Schistochilopsis incisa is an ambient and unmistakeable species found across most elevations and habitats in our region, especially decaying wood and organic matter, where…
Schljakovia kunzeana
Schljakovia kunzeana is another easily overlooked subalpine rock and heath-dwelling species that forms turf-forming, horizontally-overlapping linear shoots coloured green…
Schljakovianthus quadrilobus
A small, ground-dwelling species of tundra, S. quadrilobus forms dense patches or erect to forward-leaning olive-green to brown shoots up to 3 cm long and 1.5 mm wide. The…
Sphaerocarpos texanus
A rarely-noticed but seemingly weedy species of disturbed soils, Sphaerocarpos texanus is amongst the most charismatic of liverworts in the region on account of its…
Sphenolobopsis pearsonii
Sphenolobus minutus
Slender, thread-like, sparingly branched, yellowish-brown to olive-green shoots, often in loose mats, with strongly concave, deeply bilobed (0.3-0.5x length), slightly…
Sphenolobus saxicola
Erect, rounded, orange-brown to yellow-green shoots with densely overlapping, concave, deeply bilobed (0.3-0.5x leaf length) leaves. Gemmae absent
Targionia hypophylla
Targionia hypophylla is an infrequent and heatseaking (or at least tolerating) complex thalloid liverwort that can form large mats at the base of rocks in scorched…
Tetralophozia filiformis
Often hiding in tangles of other bryophytes on rock, the cryptic Tetralophozia filiformis forms narrow yellow-brown and pendant shoots around .5 mm wide and 2 cm long. The…
Tetralophozia setiformis
A dominant ground and rock dwelling species in northern climes, T. setiformis can form continuous carpets of ascending yellow-brown leafy shoots from 1-to-15 cm long and…
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