stł’əәlts’əә́ ləәqw’əәs

stł’əәlts’əә́ ləәqw’əәs - checker lily

Hul’q’umi’num’ Name: stł’əәlts’əә́ ləәqw’əәs

Taxon Name: Fritillaria affinis

“Common” Name: checker lily

Cultural Values:

Ecological Community: Forests, Woodlands and rock outcrops

Wikipedia summary:
Fritillaria affinis, the chocolate lily, is a highly variable species of flowering plant in the lily family Liliaceae native to western North America.

Observational Data:
First reported: 2010-05-22
Source: Hunterston
Last reported: 2020-05-22
Source: iNat
Obervation count: 4