
psháyʔ - Panicled Bulrush

Hul’q’umi’num’ Name: psháyʔ

Taxon Name: Scirpus microcarpus

“Common” Name: Panicled Bulrush

Cultural Values:

Ecological Community: Freshwater, Forests

Wikipedia summary:
Scirpus microcarpus is a species of flowering plant in the sedge family known by the common names panicled bulrush, smallfruit bulrush, and barberpole bulrush. It is native to North America, where it can be found throughout the northern and western regions, from Alaska across Canada to the northeastern United States, in most of the central and western states, and in Baja California

Observational Data:
First reported: 2016-06-05
Source: iNat
Last reported: 2023-05-26
Source: iNat
Obervation count: 3